Care Services and Supported Living Kent

Supported living

with 24/7 help

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Care Services and Supported Living Kent

A Profesional service

with The Bliss Residential Homes

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Care Services and Supported Living Kent

Supported living

with 24/7 help

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Care Services and Supported Living Kent

A Professional care service

About us


Ashford Care Services

The Bliss Residential Homes are immensely passionate about meeting people at their need. Our care service in Kent is a combination of empathy to our recipients needs and immense professionalism on our end, in everything we do. We combine that empathy and professionalism with the desire to see our care recipients maximise their strengths and live as independent and fulfilled a life as possible, with our help.






Our team

We have a team of experienced industry professionals who are passionate about making a difference in people's lives. We treat our clients with respect and dignity.

Our team consists of hardworking and accomplished workers with backgrounds in setting up care services and placing people into roles that suit them. It is this experience, as well as our understanding of the client perspective, that puts us in the ideal position to work together for effective service delivery.


Holistic care

We understand that the care recipient isn't just an individual. They're part of a bigger family, with people who love them and want the best for them but, simply, don't have the time to provide it as often as they'd like to. Our holistic Ashford care agency involves the whole family, as much as they want to be, taking into account the support systems that are already in place with you as a family unit. We look at what you can achieve together and how we can help.

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Why us?


carer illustration

We're empathetic.

We've seen a lot in our time in the care industry, so we know where you're coming from when you bring your loved one to us and we know what they're going through too.

carer illustration

We're professional.

All our carers pride themselves on providing the highest quality care they can. Backed up by varied and lengthy experience, they'll be able to care for your family member with dignity.

carer illustration

We follow a Person-Centred Approach.

 We base our approach around your loved one and the kind of care they want and need. This is the key to our success and to your loved one's fulfilment and happiness.




carer with elderly lady

Join us

With this country's aging population, our Ashford care agency is always on the look-out for enthusiastic, empathetic and professional carers to join our team and help the people who need it most.

All of our carers receive:

  • Full Uniform
  • DBS checks paid for
  • Training – compliance and registration
  • A generous wage package with holiday pay and pension contributions

Fill out our application form and join our ranks today.



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Get in touch

If someone you care about finds themselves in need of assisted living or full-time care, get in contact with us today to find out more about our Ashford care agency and what we do.

: 0203 105 9194



Office hours

  : Mon - Sun 8:00 - 19:00 

Site map

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